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We’ve all seen the “Made in the USA” tag on some of our favorite items. This year, using domestic supplies is going to be one of the best things you can do for your company and clients. Thankfully, the small business boom and the appreciation for locally made artisan items is still in full swing. Using products that are made in the USA shows your client base that you care. Everyone wants to make sure that American companies succeed; here’s why domestic suppliers are where it’s at!

1 – Products are in stock!

Who tried to order items from oversea suppliers last year at this time? Who had success? Exactly! Ordering from oversea supplies means there is a large risk of items being out of stock. Often, supplier websites are not updated in real time. Having to send a “sorry, we’re out of stock” message to a customer is a real downer! Nix that risk and order from companies who American-based.

2 – Closer shipping!

At Screen Tek we always research where our suppliers are located, the inks and materials they use, and whether or not their products are eco-friendly. This isn’t rocket science, but using products made in the USA mean quicker shipping and shorter turnaround time.

3 – Quality, quality, quality

Building a trusting relationship with your suppliers is key to success. A lot of the time, you are not going to have items like shirts, keychains, and reusable shopping backs right in front of you. You can trust your locally-based companies to work with you closely. No middle men involved!

Finally, we all know that the job market has suffered significantly throughout the past two years. We all need to help our fellow Americans by buying goods from them! Think local, think small, and think about the future! American made is the direction we must all go in.