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So many businesses are working to rebuild their customer base this year. These 2021 Promo Trends After a long struggle of learning to adapt to a digital environment, now is a great time to start bringing folks back in the door. Make sure your promotional products stand out! These three 2021 trends are a must-have for any small business. 

Branded Paper Soap

We all washed our hands a lot more this past year. Hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap stock increased for sure. Branded Paper Soap is useful and unique. We love it! It’s small enough to easily fit in your wallet or purse and the soap dissolves as you lather your hands together. Talk about convenience! Did you know that on average, American heads of household wash their hands 8.6 times per day? That means you have at least 8 times to make an impression with your brand in a 24-hour period! Try having them placed in a nice bowl in your reception area or on a nearby desk for customers to grab and go. 


Custom Screen Cleaners

Your phone and tablet goes everywhere with you. That means there’s a higher chance that you’re taking some nasty germs with you. Try customizing screen cleaners and sending them in a short mailer. The product comes with a disinfectant liquid which you can apply on your devices and use the screen cleaner to clean it off. Keep yourself safe by decreasing the number of bacteria on the mobile devices you use daily.

Silicone Bracelets

Silicone Wristbands are fashion accessories that are popular among all age groups. Often, they are worn to show support for a cause or business. They are a great accessory to increase brand awareness and brand visibility. Silicone bracelets can be mailed, left for grab and go items, and are an excellent item for trade shows and events. It’s a great way to get your business relationship started in a positive way. We all know that people are overwhelmed with visual ads from all the screens we’re exposed to on a daily basis. So having a real, physical gift to give customers automatically sets your business apart. 

These trends are the MUST-have items of the year! They are easy to design, simple to send out, and will make a great impression.